Sunday 21 September 2014

University Open Days

NSB has been going to various University Open Days recently, with No1 Son and has been interested in many of the talks that the various departments are offering. Indeed, NSB wonders whether there might be some mileage in Universities offering similar events to the local communities, or explicitly inviting them along to the Open Days.

To give just one example, here is some of the stuff that NSB picked up at a talk about a Computing course...

A great 2012 infographic from Intel showing what happens in an Internet Minute, including the facts that there are 2million Google searches, over 1.3million YouTube videos watched and $83,000 in Amazon sales. And that in 2012 there were as many networked devices on earth as people - with the number of connected devices projected to double by 2015 !

Some famous names in computing, including Doom developer and programming wizz John Carmack. As can be seen in his Wiki article, Carmack has been responsible for many technical innovations in game programming, although the only one that NSB understands, even in principle, is Adaptive Tile Refresh.

That there is such a thing as the Association for Computing Machinery, whose accreditation of computing courses is, presumably, a good sign.

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